Comments on: Fosse Electric Sitar is a casual magazine about sitar making and repair Thu, 20 Jan 2022 14:43:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: sanjay Sat, 18 Sep 2010 14:58:52 +0000 Forget about all these sitars and visit my website. there you will find the real modern sitar, on which you can play any kind of music form easily and not just indian classical music because of all the frets present on it. One need not make jawari very often because of the specially designed curved bridge(C). Strings combination is a blend of traditional and Vilayatkhani sitar.

By: Will Fri, 30 Jul 2010 00:19:07 +0000 Response to Peter: I too have been following the developments on chandrakantha, though this site is where I first saw it mentioned. I don’t think this site has any relation to Gregg Fosse or the Fosse Sitar, but I could be wrong. I agree it would be great to see a ‘proper’ website for the Fosse Sitar.

To the site owner: You might want to update the photo and info as there’ve been some major changes/developments in this new instrument. ie the tripod is no longer needed. The first production run is several months away and they are now available to order.

By: Peter Cattaneo Thu, 08 Jul 2010 21:21:07 +0000 I’ve been reading of your developments on the board and you have achieved much with the new carbon sitar – Congratulations!
I do hope that you will move your website out from behind Facebook so that those of us who refuse to join can enjoy your sitar building prowess.

