Comments on: Jora tar intonation on SAS & SBS sitars is a casual magazine about sitar making and repair Tue, 19 Mar 2013 19:46:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Man. Leão Sun, 17 Apr 2011 16:59:46 +0000 Dear Ananda:

First, my sincere congratulations for the plain 2nd string idea – neat!: I wasn’t expecting so much meend-ability !

I’m involved w/ my Ustad in sitar design to some degree and thus have some sitars I’d gladly bring to your workshop if possible (who knows …).
Once again, Thanks for the reply & all best for your work,

Man. Leão.

By: Ananda Thu, 07 Apr 2011 08:21:40 +0000 Specifications for meend on SAS-02 (full fretted, 88mm neck wide, with Pyramid strings)

On BAJ tar (0,31mm silver plated steel wire tuned in Ma = F#):
7th parda: From Sa (C#) to komal Dha (A) = 8 semitones
14th parda: From Pa (G#) to Re (D#) = 7 semitones

On JORA tar (0,41mm silver plated steel wire tuned in Sa = C#):
7th parda: From Pa (G#) to Pa (G#) = 1 full octave
14th parda: From Re (D#) to Sa (C#) = 10 semitones

By: Man. Leão Tue, 22 Mar 2011 14:09:28 +0000 Hi again!:

Could you please give an idea of HOW MUCH meend (in terms of semitones, or number of frets) can be attained on the jora/#2 with the Pyramid string you’re using? Anything close to what is doable on the main (baj) string?

Thank you in advance,
Man. Leão.

By: Neves, J.M.L. Thu, 19 Mar 2009 19:33:35 +0000 How & where can I get those Bronze flatwound strings for laraz and kharaj ?
Please e-mail me asap (Thank You so much)!!!

By: Ananda Thu, 19 Mar 2009 18:56:04 +0000 These strings are hand made in India and available at Raj Musicals, 2188/6 main road west Patel nagar, Opp. metro rail pillar no. 225, New Delhi-110008, INDIA
